Intensity of electric field due to electric dipole

1. Axial or Longitudinal Position

Axial or Longitudinal Position

Suppose an electric dipole with dipole moment P. We want to calculate the electric field intensity at a point P located at a distance r from the centre o of the dipole.

Electric field intensity at point P due to +q charge

E₁ = [1/4π€0].q/(r+l)²]


Electric field intensity at point P due to -q charge

E₂ = [1/4π€0].q/(r-l)²]


The resultant electric field intensity at point P is

E = E₂-E₁

E = [1/4π€0].q/(r-l)²]-[1/4π€0].q/(r+l)²]

E = q/4π€0[1/(r-l)²-1/(r+l)²]

E = q/4π€0[{(r+l)²-(r-l)²}/(r²-l²)²]

E = q/4π€0[4rl/(r²-l²)²]


r >> l


E = q/4π€0[4rl/r⁴]

E = 2/4π€0[2ql/r³]

E= 1/4π€0[2P/r³] (from electric dipole P=2ql)

2. Non-axis position of electric dipole

Non-axis position of electric dipole

Consider an electric dipole whose dipole moment is P.

The electric field in the axisymmetric position at a point P situated at a distance r from the middle point o of the dipole is to be calculated.


The electric field intensity at point P due to +q charge is

E₁ = [1/4π€0].q/(r²+l²)]  in the direction of PB.


The electric field intensity at point P due to -q charge is

E₂ = [1/4π€0].q/(r²+l²)]   in the direction of PA.


The resultant electric field intensity at point P.

E = E₁cosθ + E₂cosθ

E₁ = E₂

E = 2E₁cosθ

E = 2.[1/4π €0].q/(r²+l²)].l/√(r²+l²)

E = [1/4π€0].P/(r²+l²)^3/2

Since l << r

E = [1/4π€0].p/r³


Electric field intensity due to a point charge

E ∝ 1 /r²

Electric field intensity due to electric dipole

E ∝ 1/r³

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