Refraction of light
Electric dipole Electric dipole is a system in which two equal but opposite type of point charges are located at a short distance from each other. The product of any one charge and the short distance between the two charges is called electric dipole moment. It is represented by P. P= q.2l cm (meter . … Read more
Rainbow When sunlight enters a raindrop, it is refracted along its path, causing different wavelengths of white light. So the one with higher wavelength (red) bends the least while the one with lower wavelength (violet) bends the most. After this, these component rays hit the surface inside the drop and … Read more
Refraction of light through a prism In the prism, the angle of incidence on the first face AB is i and the angle of refraction is r1, while the angle of incidence on the second face AC is r2 and the angle of refraction or exit angle is e. The angle ∆ … Read more
Refraction by lens A transparent medium surrounded by two curved surfaces, one or both of whose surfaces are spherical, is called a lens. There are two types of lenses- 1. convex 2. concave Convex lens The two spherical surfaces protruding outward in a lens are called convex lenses. Convex lens thicker in the middle … Read more
Reflection of light When a traveling ray of light hits a reflective surface, it returns back to the same medium or gets reflected, then this phenomenon is called reflection of light. Law of reflection There are two laws of the reflection of light, 1. An angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. … Read more
What is light Light is a medium with the help of which we are able to see any objects. In the absence of light, we cannot see any object because when light falls on an object, it gets reflected and reaches our eyes, then we feel the presence of that object. Reflection of light … Read more
SCATTERING OF LIGHT When the sunlight travels in the Earth’s circle, it is scattered by the particles in the atmosphere. Light of shorter wavelengths is far more visible than that of larger wavelengths. The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the 4th power of wavelength. (This is called Raleigh scattering.) This is why … Read more
Octopus blood Let us talk today about why the color of octopus’s blood is blue and what is the reason for it. After all, what is there in his blood due to which the color of his blood is blue? Apart from humans, there are many creatures whose blood is red in … Read more
Function of simple microscope A simple magnifier or simple microscope has a converging lens of short focal length. To use this type of lens as a microscope, the lens is placed near the object at one focal length or less than the focal length and on the other hand the eye is kept … Read more