Reflection of light class 10 physics

Reflection of light   When a traveling ray of light hits a reflective surface, it returns back to the same medium or gets reflected, then this phenomenon is called reflection of light. Law of reflection There are two laws of the reflection of light, 1. An angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection. … Read more

Accuracy, Precision And Error Analysis

Accuracy, Precision And Error Analysis         Accuracy All those observations taken by an instrument which are close to the actual value of a physical quantity are called actual values. That is, the accuracy of a measurement is the value that tells us how close the measured value of a quantity is to … Read more

Total stars in the milky way | how many galaxies in the milky way

The milky way   The milky way is a huge body of billions of stars. The stars remain bound to the galaxies, for this the gravitational force is responsible among the four fundamental forces: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force and strong force.   There are approximately 100 billion galaxies in the universe and each … Read more

Why sky is blue in colour | What is Scattering of light

SCATTERING OF LIGHT   When the sunlight travels in the Earth’s circle, it is scattered by the particles in the atmosphere. Light of shorter wavelengths is far more visible than that of larger wavelengths. The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the 4th power of wavelength. (This is called Raleigh scattering.) This is why … Read more

Why does celestial lightning fall ?

Celestial lightning

Have you ever wondered why celestial lightning falls and, then what causes it to fall? Why and how does such a loud sound come when lightning falls. So let’s start, When lightning occurs, the temperature of the surrounding air rises to about 28,000°C within an instant. This temperature is about five times higher than the … Read more

Photocell working principle class 12

Photocell The photocell (light cell) is a craft technological application of the photoelectric effect. The photocell is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy. It is sometimes called the electric eye. A photocell consists of a semi-cylindrical light-sensitive metal plate C (emitter) and a wire loop (loop) A (collector) mounted in a vacuum … Read more

Percentage error numerical questions

Error Analysis, Percentage Error *Numerical questions*   1. The width of a road of 20 meters is measured with the help of a 1 meter long rod. What is the maximum percentage error that can occur from this measurement? Solution- x=20 m ∆x=1 m  percent error, =(∆x/x)×100 =(1/20)×100 =5%   2. The length of a … Read more