Speed of the linear path full chapter

Distance And Displacement 1. Distance       Suppose an object is along the x-axis. In time t₁ the object reaches A from the original point and in time t₂ the object reaches B from the original point.    AB=(x₂-x₁)=∆x    Duration,    ∆t=(t₂-t₁) Therefore, the length between two points in a given period of … Read more

Electric force line and its properties physics

Electric force line Electric force lines are imaginary but the electric fields generated by them are real. A tangent drawn at any point to the electric field line represents intensity of the electric field at that point. Properties of electric line of force 1. These lines run from positive charge and end at negative charge. … Read more

Importance of Coulomb’s law

Importance of Coulomb’s law  When a charge is stationary then only the electric force acts on it. Which was discovered by Coulomb. Therefore it is also called Coulomb force.When a charge is stationary then only the electric force acts on it. Which was discovered by Coulomb. Therefore it is also called Coulomb force. Coulomb’s law … Read more

Coulomb’s law and electric field full chapter

Electric charge Electricity is the factor by which charge is generated in any object or substance. When a substance becomes electrostatic, the substance acquires charge. Therefore such a substance is called a charged substance. There are two types of electric charges. Those substances which accept charge have an excess of charge and those substances which … Read more

Formation of Rainbow / How Rainbow is formed

Rainbow            When sunlight enters a raindrop, it is refracted along its path, causing different wavelengths of white light. So the one with higher wavelength (red) bends the least while the one with lower wavelength (violet) bends the most. After this, these component rays hit the surface inside the drop and … Read more

Refraction of light class 10 physics

Refraction of light

When a ray of light enters from one transparent medium to another transparent medium, it deviates from its straight path, this phenomenon is called refraction of light.


When a ray of light enters from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal. Similarly, when a ray of light enters from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it deviates away from the normal, which we call refraction of light.
(Dense = dense, rarer = less dense)

Law of refraction

This rule is also called Snell’s law.
Snell propounded the following laws of refraction through experiments:
 1. The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the refracting surface at the point of incidence, all three lie in the same plane.
 2. For any transparent medium pair, the ratio of sine of the angle of incidence and sine of the angle of refraction is a constant.
 The angle of incidence (i) and angle of refraction (r) are the angles that the incident ray and the refracted ray make with the normal respectively.
Refractive index of a medium =
Speed of light in vacuum/speed of light in medium
n = sin i / sin r
n is a constant, which is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.

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Refraction by lens class 10 physics

Refraction by lens A transparent medium surrounded by two curved surfaces, one or both of whose surfaces are spherical, is called a lens. There are two types of lenses- 1. convex 2. concave Convex lens   The two spherical surfaces protruding outward in a lens are called convex lenses. Convex lens thicker in the middle … Read more